I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. I pray and trust you have a great new year, a safe and a blessed one. I sent Isak some photos so you can ask to see them. I hope someone puts some 35th run photos up soon. When I get to the UK I will be coming across to Finland. I hope it will be soon! L&R Maverick |
Maverick - God's Squad |
Melbourne / Australia 28 Dec 2007 11:06 am |
Hey you guys
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
God Bless,
Mark GSCMC supporter Netherlands |
Mark - GSCMC Supporter |
Holland 26 Dec 2007 6:12 pm |
To all our Finnish brothers,
Merry Chrismas and a blessed 2008,
Love and Respect,
Hopr |
hopr - God´s Squad Support |
the Netherlands 26 Dec 2007 2:07 am |
Hyvää joulua kaikille ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2008
Dublin Ireland 24 Dec 2007 9:23 pm |
On se totuus Raamatussa. Mutta Raamattu ei anna meille tietyn mallin mihin kaikki pitää sopia. Olemme erilaisina ihmisinä ja näin Jumala on luonut meitä. Koemme että Jumala on antanut meille paikan ja tehtävän ja tämä on se.
Jumalan siunausta.
Isak (president) - GSCMC Finland prospect chapter |
22 Dec 2007 9:09 pm |
No voi viddu, pitääkö se Jeesus paketoida jokaiselle erikseen.
Eikö se totuus olekkaan Raamatussa? |
Juippi |
22 Dec 2007 10:05 am |
Merry Christmas brother's!
GSCMC Norway |
Roger - GSCMC Norway |
http://www.godssquad.org Norway 18 Dec 2007 12:37 pm |
to all our brothers and their families in Finnland, we wish you a blessed Christmas and a wonderful 2008, much great moments on the road.
Was wonderful to have Timo and Maxa here in Germany and was great to meet you all in Swansea.
Congrats to Oula and Maxa for making associate. well done go for it.
Much love & respect from your German brothers
Acting Secretary
GSCMC Germany (Prospect Chapter) |
Werner - GSCMC |
GERMANY 16 Dec 2007 11:47 pm |